The Balancing PIES® Custom Fitting Room
Even the best tailors will say "try it on", to get the best fit for you. This little "fitting" will help us to develop a strategic approach to know what parts of your life you want Personal Life Balance Coaching for, to decide where you want to start and to plan how to progress.
Directions: Please try on each of these 12 statements to see how they are fitting you. There are just 4 sizes: SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE and EXTRA LARGE. But, don’t be fooled, some of the questions will be hard. Take your time; just try each one on. Look at your internal and external mirrors, think for a moment, be completely honest with yourself, and then tell me, what size is your desire to address each statement?
Size Chart
If the statement is way down on your list, you only want a SMALL.
If the statement is a little higher up on your list, you want a MEDIUM.
If the statement is near the top of your list, you want a LARGE.
If the statement is at the top of your list, you want an EXTRA LARGE.
Name: |
s |
m |
l |
xl |
1. I want to address my stress levels; |
2. I want to address my exercise habits; |
3. I want to address what I eat; |
4. I want to address some choices I am making; |
5. I want to address my finances; |
6. I want to address my boundaries; |
7. I want to address my feelings; |
8. I want to address my self esteem; |
9. I want to address some relationships I have; |
10. I want to address my faith; |
11. I want to address my hopes; |
12. I want to address my beliefs; |
The Balancing PIES® Custom Fitting Room is copyright protected, all rights reserved. It is intended solely for the use of client contracted services with Balancing PIES® Life Balance Coaching.